Friday 27 November 2009


UK peeps, seen this ad on telly recently? I hate it. HATE IT.

Putting to one side the awful green-tinted drabness and unimaginative script ("Harrison!") for a moment, the main problem I have with this advert is that I have no clue what it is about.

I mean, obviously the advertiser is Specsavers; the ad works at least insofar as it's a creative device for shoehorning as much branding into 30 seconds as possible. But why? Why is the shouty man so determined that 'Harrison!' get rid of Specsavers' advertising? What is this nameless corporation he's heading up? I would get it if they looked like a rival opticians - visual cues such as eye charts or white lab coats, while not that imaginitive, would at least give some context - but they look like a bunch of tax accountants in Next suits.

Maybe the green-tinted drabness, the catalogue office furniture, the dough-faced complexions and Next suits are all supposed to lead us obliquely to infer that this is a corporation that hates eyes. Certainly when watching it the question, 'what have my eyes done to deserve this?' crossed my mind. Perhaps that's the deeper meaning within this total non-sequitur of an ad.

Another question: oughtn't the client who signed this off go to Specsavers themselves...?

1 comment:

M359 said...

You know this is not an terrible AD to be honest.

Lots of ads are done in this way. I see them all the time (CNN etc etc)they just look cool without a point, and there is just a short company/brand name at the end.

I saw lately modern type of TV ads that look awesome, but you don't really understand anything as what is this really advertising, but I still have it in my mind, so I think it works. Even if they don't say what they're advertising or anything, they just use the name at the end of the ad, like in this one.

At the end of the day, why were you watching TV? LOLZ?

TV is a waste of time, and if Bill Gates thinks so, I bet there is some truth in this statement.

Get off that mainstream thing, you will forget about all the weirdness this world is.

Watch what you're letting go in your undermind. Choose your media, don't leave it choosen (TV is a someone else's choice what I'm going to absorb information wise)Internet, I see what I click, where I go. I have total control over what I'm going to absorb information wise.

Information overload is messy these days. It's like i don't have time to think about all that stupid things I see on the TV.

But yeah TV has changed into much better, but I really really can't stand watching it for over 7 years now.